Sunflower Natural Health is a locally owned health food store and Naturopathic Clinic located in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. We have a friendly and knowledgeable staff who strive to offer quality products and advice to our customers. The store carries a wide selection of supplements, health food, natural body care, bulk baking supplies, grains and spices.
Jennifer Lilly is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor. She is a member of the Nova Scotia Association of Naturopathic Doctors as well as the Ontario and Canadian associations of Naturopathic Doctors. Her practice consists of clinical nutritional counselling, Asian medicine, homeopathy, botanical medicine and Live blood cell analysis.
Appointments with Jennifer can be made through Sunflower Natural Health at 902-863-1194 and are covered by most private insurance companies.
Natural Solutions for Cough and Cold Relief
As the cold season approaches, maintaining respiratory health becomes essential, especially for individuals prone to respiratory issues, such as children […]
Managing Stress with Ashwagandha
Positive stress, also known as eustress, helps sharpen our edge and expand our comfort zones. It can provide increased energy […]
Oh So Very Elderberry: The Berry With A Long Tradition Of Wellness
Elderberries (scientific name Sambucus nigra) grow in clusters on shrubs or trees in gardens and in the wild across Europe, […]
Don’t Suffer Through Joint Pain
Just because your knee hurts does not mean you have to stop doing the activities you love. Whether you love […]
Spotting a Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Seniors are one of the main groups at risk for a B12 deficiency with an estimated 10-15% of seniors having […]
Mushrooms for Immune Health and Vitality
The immune system plays a vital role in protecting and defending against pathogens throughout the various systems within the body, […]